Intention Soaks For Ritual Baths

$ 14.44

Infused with energy and corresponding ingredients, this soak is a wonderful addition to anyritual, or simply just a way to assist in calling forth that particular energy into your life by helping you align with its vibration. Be sure to set your intentions and hold them while preparing and engaging in this soak! 

Once you are done with your soak, take some time to allow yourself to air dry as you continue to focus on your intentions and allow yourself to embrace the energy of your desired intentions.

Abundance - Epsom salt, Atlantic sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, chamomile, calendula, angelica root, blessed thistle, coltsfoot, goldenrod, cedar, cinnamon, phthalate free fragrance oil, sweet orange & cedarwood essential oils. 

Protection - Epsom salt, Atlantic sea salt, black lava salt, basil, hyssop, agrimony, wormwood, rosemary, mugwort, phthalate free fragrance oil, black walnut hull powder, lime, thyme, & marjoram essential oils.

Sweetening - Epsom salt, Atlantic sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, rose, lavender, jasmine, hibiscus, meadowsweet, hawthorn, peppermint, calendula, cinnamon, yerba santa, licorice root, clove, phthalate free fragrance, geranium rose essential oil.

Energy Cleansing - Ingredients: Epsom salt, Atlantic sea salt, eucalyptus, rosemary, basil, angelica root, plantain leaf, lavender, wormwood, dandelion, lemon balm, burdock root, phthalate free fragrance, lemongrass, lavender, & peppermint essential oils, menthol.

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